The only way to keep up with the latest about forex trading is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about forex trading, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

I wish I was reading this a couple of years ago!!

It would have saved me a lot of money!

Well it might not be a lot of money to the guys who sold me their Forex trading systems, but it was to me. I spent thousands of my hard earned and saved dollars on Forex systems that promised big results, yet did not deliver for me.

Don’t get me wrong, some of the Forex systems work; I actually talked to people who did get results from the programs.

Unfortunately I was one of them!

Yes you read it correctly I made money in my first week of trading!

In Forex you basically trade long term or short term, I was doing the short term trading (a day or less).

Yes I made good money thousands of dollars, boy was I excited I was wondering how long had this been going on. Forget the 9 to 5 job that just gets you by, that pays the bills but you don’t have anything left over to live on. I was going to make a killing, retire, work a few hours a day and live the good life!

Everything was great for a couple of weeks then I lost on a few trades, no big deal I will get it back on the next one. Because I had made good money for a couple of weeks I "knew I would get it back".

Then I began to learn what really goes on in the Forex world.

Swimming in shark infested water would be safer than playing with these guys.

Sometimes little bites, then big bites that almost break you in two, yes sir these guys know how to get at you.

This is what happened to me.

The market would be heading steadily in one direction then all of a sudden reverse and take my position out; you guessed it I would lose money. The weird thing about it was that when I did not set my stop loss it hardly happened to me. (The problem with putting a trade on without a stop loss is that you have to watch the trade all the time in case the market makes a big move against you, very dangerous.)

What was going on?

Ok there is a lesson here, the Forex broker was playing games with me he would manipulate the price to stop out my position and take my money! I found that one out too late, but you need to take note there are a lot of crooks out there in the Forex World. These guys know every trick in the book and they have been doing this for years. I started a demo account with another broker and compared the price movements and that’s how I found out that my broker was playing games.

Once I knew their tactics I could change brokers and see if the next one did the same or not put a stop loss on and spend all day in front of the computer. Well I still had to work and pay the bills so that was not going to work for me and frankly I did not have a lot of money left in the account to work with.

I learnt something else during this period; you need to take all the emotion out of your trading. I found that difficult as I had made money to start with and as I am not a robot, making money to start with turned out to be part of my downfall, it clouded my judgement.

What I needed and it is what you need!!!

An honest broker that is happy earning their money from the spread they get for each trade, their commission if you like.

A system that get better than 50% winners and takes the emotion out of the trading!

I was determined to get this Forex thing working for me; I could see the potential I just could not get it working for me.

So I tried several auto trading systems, some that only cost a $100 dollars and others that cost me over a thousand.

The real cheap ones could get a 50% or better winning trade result but only in certain market conditions. If the market was not working the way they assumed I would lose (I was only using demo accounts for these, I have learnt a little bit since I started trading Forex) and all the gains made would disappear.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

The systems that cost a lot more where complicated you had heaps of setting that you had to adjust depending on things like, time of day, market trends- steady market volatile market, the currency pair that you were trading etc etc.

You getting the picture? You need to be an analytical person or plainly put a rocket scientist to get it right. I not either of them so that did not work.

Frankly it was all too hard and too costly and I needed a break.

I never gave up on the Forex market I just needed to regroup and start a fresh.

A few months later I was looking at a website that promised results in the Forex market. My first reaction was oh yea I have heard that before, yet I had a look.

These days I know what I am looking for:

• An automated system, to take the emotion out of it.

• A money back guarantee, if they don’t have one then they do not believe it works, so why should I.

• An honest broker that works with the system, it not much good having a system only to find out your broker can't or won't support it.

• A broker that has reasonable spreads, the commission the broker gets on each deal. If the spread is to much it is hard for a lot of systems to make money.

When you drop a few thousand on Forex courses and systems and then a few more on Forex trading, it prompts a lot of soul searching.

A broker that does'nt deal against you, you win he loses- you lose he wins. Guess what happens in these situations.

When you drop a few thousand on Forex courses and systems and then a few more on Forex trading, it prompts a lot of soul searching.

Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in forex trading. When people start looking for more information about forex trading, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

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Forex Trading - Charting Forex

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with forex? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about forex.

Forex trading has increased in popularity of the years and with that comes charting forex. When you chart forex trading you can see all the trends in both the global and local world. Everything and anything can affect currency trading which is why it is a risky business but an extremely profitable one. Throughout the world, 2 billion dollars a day are traded on the forex market! That is huge and insane and hard to comprehend, but it happens everyday.

Forex tutorial is something that everyone should participate in before nose diving into this fast pace and fast growing industry. When you participate in a forex tutorial you are usually given "play money" with real life examples. You can use your "play money" to see how much you would have actually made. When you start doing it for about a week you will switch to real money right away. The profits are so much it will completely blow your mind. I know it blew my mind when I first started.

The forex trading market has many demo forex situations but also you must understand it is the largest investment market in the world which has also one of the fastest turnaround times. Unlike the stock market, the forex trading market is open 24 hours a day! It is truly the market that never sleeps. With forex trading there comes the dangers of forex trading but if you study the global market and use some expert strategy forex ebooks you should have no problem making a killer profit. If you jump right into forex trading without learning the proper procedures and investment avenues you need to be prepared for a rude awakening.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of forex. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

Unlike the stock market also, small factors that effect the global market make a huge impact in the forex market. It is extremely sensitive to change. This market is constantly fluctuating and you should not sit on your currency for to long if it is falling. You need to buy cheap and sell for more. You can find some great deals and cheap prices for currency out there; you just have to know the trading game well.

The forex trading market has been run by large multi-national corporations and financial institutions for years. Now it is finally the single investors opportunity to make a killing in this market. These large corporations and financial institutions have had their opportunity, now it is finally your turn. The best hyip forex out there is through analyzing the different trends and what is happening around the world.

I have personally been in this market for over 3 years and I have been banking some serious cash. I have found the perfect, simple to use, strategy ebook for forex trading that I use as if it was my bible. It has taught me the ropes as also did the forex tutorial. I can't express how lucky I am to have this training opportunity. I have been able to quit my job, buy a new house, and new car all because of the high reward forex market.

Forex Simple Trading is an award winning Forex course that teaches forex trading and forex strategies
Learn more about John's course for FREE at

Is there really any information about forex that is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to another.

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Make Money Scams: Is the Forex Included?

Have you ever wondered if what you know about forex is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on forex.

he internet and make money scams - what a duo! It's true, the internet is an amazingly useful tool. At the same time, the anonymous nature of the internet makes it very easy for less than honest individuals or companies to make misleading claims and draw in unsuspecting victims.

Scam - A Definition

Broad Definition: A scam is a dishonest attempt to get you to part with your money by making exaggerated claims or by failing to deliver the goods promised.

Specific Definition: According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a scam is "a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation".

Some make money scams currently circulating on the internet are paid survey schemes, home typing schemes, and pay to join affiliate programs. Not all enterprises going under those categories are scams but many are and you need to be careful. So the question arises: Is Forex trading just another 'make money scam?'

The question arises because anyone who browses the internet will see numerous adverts making all sorts of claims. Some promise huge returns on investment in a short time. Does the Forex make money? Absolutely! The question is, for whom? The daily turnover by some estimates is around $1.8 trillion. Anyone with a computer and internet connection can go online and participate in the marketplace.

Is the promise of profits from the Forex just a scam then? No, thousands are making good money. There are so many advantages! Working from home, with just a small starting investment, a steady income stream can be created. Of great importance however are realistic expectations and a practical approach. First realize you are going to have to do your homework, get a good education, and then spend months developing the mental disciplines necessary for online trading.

A Major NO! NO!

DON'T, repeat, DON'T, sign up with an online broker and sink thousands of dollars into your account. You will ended up getting slaughtered, almost guaranteed. And if you are currently out of work you have even added reason to proceed very, very cautiously. Some unscrupulous companies do catch the unwary in Forex based money making scams.

If large returns are promised if you invest a large amount of money, and pressure is exerted to get you to sign on the dotted line, just listen to the alarm bells ringing. The Forex is an extremely risky business and no one can give any guarantees or make any sound promises as to what you are likely to make. In the majority of cases, Forex novices lose, many not making it past the first 2 or 3 months.

The information about forex presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about forex or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

A Realistic Approach

If you are tempted to try out Forex trading to see if it can work as an additional income stream for you, then research online and get free information on how to trade the Forex. Educational materials abound on the internet. Fire up Google and put "Forex tutorials" or something similar in the search field and start reading. Then open a demo account (which won't cost you anything) at a popular broker and start getting used to the trading platform.

After practicing for a while, find a broker that allows you to trade micro lots in a mini trading account which gives you the option of trading at the 10 cent (micro) level. With some brokers you just need $250 to open an account. That will be the maximum you will risk.

At 10 cents per trading unit you can be forgiven for thinking it will take some time to get into steady income. You will be surprised! Start slowly, learning the ropes, and then, once your account starts compounding, it can begin to grow at a surprisingly fast rate. But be patient, this is not a get-rich-quick-scheme. The learning process can take a long time.

It's understandable if up to now you have relegated Forex trading to just another one of those make money scams. Regretfully, that is one unsavory side of the Forex online trading market. However, there are a large number of reputable brokers out there, offering excellent facilities and advice to help you get started. Don't rush, just ease yourself in gradually.

To Sum Up

Remember, the single most important factor in avoiding a make money scam related to Forex trading, is to do your homework and keep these key factors in mind:

Be prepared for a lengthy learning curve.

Don't commit large sums of money to your training period.

The lion's share of your time should be devoted to mind skills, namely, developing the right psychology and self-disciplines necessary for trading successfully.

Don't get caught in the net of make money scams. Always research thoroughly. If you do that with Forex trading, it is unlikely you will regret it. There is the possibility you will see a handsome return financially.

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with other

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Forex Trading Platforms And Forex

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Think of the "platform" as the roads and freeway system that connects all traders to the finanical markets including forex. At the base level, everyone must be connected to the Internet. On top of that layer of connection, all programs and systems must be able to talk to each other.

All data must be stored some where, and all users must connect to that some where - which is where the "platform" comes in. So, there are many data-centers around the World, and they all update each other so that there are many copies of the same information in many places.

When anything ever happens - either a trade or a piece of news - all the servers are updated super-fast, and all of us are connected to this information by means of the platform.

Every vendor of a forex trading robot or expert advisor has chosen to make his pruct "talk to" the World via a platform. By a very large margin, MetaTrader 4 is the platform of choice used by almost every company I have found so far.

It overcomes language issues, computer operating system issues, and works across all Internation jurisdictions.

Therefore, MetaTrader 4 is the best and most widely used solution for brokers, the banks and financial companies, dealing centers and of course the vendors of robots/advisors. The main advantages of the system are:

Coverage of financial markets

The trading platform MetaTrader 4 covers all International brokerage and trading activities at Forex, Futures and CFD markets. It is what is used for all reporting and news services.

Multi-currency basis

The system is designed on a multi-currency basis. It means that any currency can serve as a general currency used in the operation of the whole complex in any country and with any national currency.

Economy and productivity

the data transfer and processing protocols used by MetaTrader4 are notable for their economy. This means that low powered server such as a Pentium 4 2 GHz, 512 DDR RAM, 80 GB HDD can handle several thousand traders at the same time. Its new protocols reduce both the demands on datalink and the cost.


Everything at the server end is backed up in several places. And these backups are synchronized. So if there ever was damage to the history it allows everything to be restored. Historical databases can be restored within several minutes, with the help of another MetaTrader 4 server.


To provide safety, all the information exchanged between parts of the complex is encrypted by 128-bit keys. Such solution guarantees safekeeping of information transferred and leaves no chance for a third person to use it. A built-in DDoS attacks guard-system raises the stability of operation of the server and the system as a whole.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of forex. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

DDoS is where a person may use thousands of infected computers to attack the MetaTrader4 server. DDoS-attacks resistance is therefore very important. What they do is hide the IP address of the server, and filter the incoming attacks. Data Centers also have a built-in DDoS-attacks protection systems. So the DDoS protection is at many levels.

Multi-lingual support

MetaTrader 4 supports different languages, and a Multi-Language Pack program is included into distributive packages. It provides translation of all program interfaces into any language. With the help of Multi-Language Pack you can easily create any language and integrate it into the program. This feature of the system brings MetaTrader 4 nearer to end-users in any country of the world.

Application Program Interfaces

Think of it as a "plug-in". MetaTrader 4 Server API makes it possible to customize the role of the platform to meet your requirements. Forex Robot vendors use the API to get their program to communicate with the platform. The API standardises everything and can solve a wide range of problems of:

Creating additional analyzers for finding a trend of monthly increase of traders;

* creating applications of integration into other systems;

* extending the functionality of the server;

* implementing its own system work control mechanisms;

and do much more.

Integration with web-services

To provide traders with services of higher quality, the system supports the integration with web services (www, wap). This feature allows real-time publishing of quotations and charts on a website site, dynamic tables containing contest results and much more. This is also a very powerful feature relied upon by Expert Advisor vendors.

Flexibility of the system

The platform possesses a wide range of customizable functions. You can set all the parameters, from trade session times to detailed properties of the financial instruments of each user group.


Subadministration mechanisms allow many Introducing Brokers (IBs) on one server quite easily. For processing all accounts and orders of the clients of the IBs, only one server is needed.

Because of the power and flexibility of MetaTrader 4, that it can be used by all groups of people Internationally, and that all groups of users can talk to the server equally, it is the default choice for most Forex robot expert advisors.

There's no doubt that the topic of forex can be fascinating. If you still have unanswered questions about forex, you may find what you're looking for in the next article.

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How Trading in Forex Can Give You Financial Independence..?

The following article presents the very latest information on forex. If you have a particular interest in forex, then this informative article is required reading...

There were times when trading in forex was done solely by bankers and large corporations. The majority of people did not know much about forex trading which as we have mentioned was the sole reserve of banking institutions and global conglomerates. This is no longer the scenario. Regular people like you and me have dived deep into the forex market and are reaping healthy profits.

Forex tradinginvolves buying and selling different currencies belonging to different nations. It is nowhere similar to that of stock trading. This is a misconception that many people have. Although both have similarities, they also have major differences.

A careful observation proves that while stock prices do change from time to time, they remain more or less stable. This is not the case with forex trading. In forex, shrewd players work to regulate and deregulate prices in a global scale. They manage to get the control of the prices and thereby the system. These players at times take the reigns of foreign trade in their hands.

Those of you not familiar with the latest on forex now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.

A common man is made to believe that trading in forex is somewhat like a gamble where they will face more danger than gains. But, this is until they were not into it. But today with software to teach and guide about forex trading, it has become every man's dream come true project of minting those extra incomes. When it comes to trading in forex one can become as good as the big shots. Such is the drastic change in forex trading field, disregard to the fact if the person is previously experienced or not. The benefits are reaped with the help of this software that is reachable to all. With amateurs standing neck to neck with professionals, the scenario is different.

With availability of both the software as well as online tutorials, trade in forex has been made possible for ordinary people. Regular people with regular jobs are now trying their hand at forex trading and are becoming familiar with its inner workings.

One of the main attractions here is, one can start with trading with the minimum possible incurrence, which can be as low as fifty dollars. You can directly hit the ceiling without the help of any brokers being involved. But that would be possible with online training in forex. One thing to bear in mind while trading is that forex is not like stock trading.

As your knowledge about forex continues to grow, you will begin to see how forex fits into the overall scheme of things. Knowing how something relates to the rest of the world is important too.

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The Essential FOREX Trading Basics

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding forex. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about forex.

No matter what your trading goals are, creating a few basic fundamentals and sticking to theme is essential to success. Many new traders jump right onto their platform and start trading without any type of plan or rules to follow. This is ultimately why the majority of all FOREX traders fail and lose money. Either way, here are a few basics and concepts that every up and coming superstar trader should grasp before even thinking about going live. You can check out for more free FOREX tools and information.

Baseball Analogy

Have you ever head someone talking about the sport of pro baseball say that baseball is the only sport where you can fail 7 out of 10 times and still go to the hall of fame? Well whoever started saying that was wrong. Because not only can you do that in the big leagues The same applies for currency trading as well, if you set up your trading system properly. Check it out:

The plot:
You are a medium term swing trader and look for trading opportunities with a potential for 240 pips on the up side with no more than 80 pips on the downside, giving you a 3:1 win to loss ratio. Now you are not Ty Cobb batting .366 career, but if you can consistently do this, you can consider yourself Albert Pujols, a .333 hitter. After doing thorough analysis and following your trading plan, you place your limit and stop and these two levels respectively and just like Ron Popeil, you set it and forget. Let's say you do this ten times over the course of the day and it looks something like this.

Loss -80
Loss -80
Win +240
Loss -80
Loss -80
Win +240
Loss -80
Loss -80
Loss -80
Win +240

It comes out to -560 pips in losing trades and +720 in winning trades. All in all, you made 160 pips trading either one mini or standard lot each time. Obviously if you were trading more you'd multiply your wins and losses, and your end product by that number.

You can see that there's practical value in learning more about forex. Can you think of ways to apply what's been covered so far?

We have outlined a few basic points that every successful trader implements. In addition, you will incorporate your own game plan and trading strategies.

Cut your losses short and let your profits run - This sounds simple enough, but there are so many amateur traders that constantly break this rule. People often feel uncomfortable sitting on profitable positions, and they will take their profits before their original targets are hit. On the other hand, an amateur will sit on a losing position in the hope that it will turn around. When trading, it is always important to cut your small losses before they turn into large losses, and to let your profits run until your profit target or your preset stop is hit.

Do not let your emotions interfere with your trading decisions - The reason why many beginners fail to cut their losses short and let their profits run is that they let their emotions cloud their judgment. They are often so excited to see a profit that they'll close their position before it even gets close to the target. The same people will hold on to their losing trades because it eats them up to take a loss, so they just pray for their position to rebound. It is crucial not to get emotional about trading. You must always remain calm and make logical decisions.

Always use stop losses when you place orders - A stop loss is an order to close a position when a preset price level is hit. If you buy a certain currency pair, a stop loss will protect you in case the price plummets when you are not in front of your trading station. Similarly, if you sell a certain currency pair, it will protect you in case the price suddenly skyrockets. Some people use "mental" stops, whereby having predetermined stop levels in their heads, but without placing the stop order. It is highly recommended that you always place a stop loss order to ensure that your losses will be cut quickly.

Do not get attached to your trade - Even if you have a long-term outlook for a currency, but the price moves against you, you should cut your loss and get out of the position. You can always buy or sell the currency again at any time, to keep with your long-term price outlook. But, always be safe and get out of the position if the price moves against you, even if it means getting right back into the position soon after.

Trade with a plan - Currency trading is a serious business for many. You wouldn't go out and make important business decisions on a hunch or a whim. Neither should you place a trade on a hunch or a "good feeling." Always have a specific plan or trading system in place before placing a trade. This plan should include the use of stop and limit orders, should the unexpected occur. It is therefore extremely important for new traders to spend some time practicing on a demo account before trading in a live account. It is the best way to find the system that works for you, without risking real money in the process.

Do not over-trade - One of the biggest mistakes that new traders make is trading too large a position in relation to their account equity. They over-leverage themselves, and that can easily knock out their entire position. It is important that you understand how leverage works. If a margin requirement is 1%, then you’re controlling 100X your money.

Therefore, if you’re managing $100,000 – and you have 10 lots, for every 1 cent move to the downside, you will lose $10,000. If the EUR/USD moves 5 cents, you can potentially lose $50,000. Although you can trade much more than the money you actually put up, you can also get knocked out much quicker. Leverage is a double-edged sword, so always be aware and careful. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended that you not trade with more than 5-10% of your account value at any given time. Prudent money managers will not risk more than 2% of the entire portfolio.

That's the latest from the forex authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.

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